To My Ohana,
What would the Kingdom of God look like if it were a place here on this earth?

In what way would it operate? 

How would it be structured?

What would be its purpose and agenda? 

As its citizens, what are your desires for this Kingdom?  

I believe the Kingdom is here and now.  I believe He has in store for us, freedom and life everlasting, where the Church looks, speaks and moves with the compassion of Christ for both the believer and non-believer. I envision a church that is a reflection of heaven on earth. Picture a sanctuary that mirrors the heavenly realm, where the Word and the Holy Spirit intertwine to reveal the profound essence of God. This envisioned church is not confined within walls but stretches beyond, meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the community. It is a haven where worship transcends mere ritual, becoming a lifestyle, and where prayer serves as the bedrock of our communion with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Imagine a culture that empowers every individual to embrace their God-given identity, where transformation by the Holy Spirit manifests in tangible, life-altering ways. This church, driven by a profound passion for God and compassion for humanity, relentlessly pursues the lost, embodying a love that knows no bounds. Envision a highly collaborative community, where each person actively engages in a shared vision. This church becomes an inspiration, a beacon that champions the local church to advance God's Kingdom. Leaders are not just tasked; they actively participate in a vision that breathes fresh creativity, purpose, and unwavering clarity. In this divine tapestry, both men and women are empowered to lead, preach, and influence, while the Kupuna stand as pillars and beacons of spiritual maturity and zeal. The younger generation rises with humility and love, embracing their roles as leaders. Celebrate the rich tapestry of local culture and heritage, as creativity unfolds, showcasing the beauty and wonder of God. In this Kingdom, every person is valued not merely for their gifts but as a purposeful creation of God. With this collective vision, witness a church so aligned with the will of God that wherever it treads, deserts bloom with living water, and darkness gives way to light, life, peace, and unrelenting joy.

Beloved Ohana, let us unite our hearts and hands to bring forth this divine vision—a testament to the boundless love and grace of our Savior. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey, for in unity, we find the strength to realize the Kingdom of God on Earth.


Yours in Christ,

The Kingdom